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brm_917159 - CLAUDIUS Sesterce

800.00 €
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Тип Sesterce
Дата: 50-54
Монетный двор / Город: Roma
Металл: bronze
Диаметр: 34 mm
Ориентация осей монеты: 6 h.
Вес: 26,91 g.
Комментарии о состоянии
Très beau sesterce frappé sur un flan idéalement centré. Usure fine et régulière. Joli portrait de l’empereur au droit, de haut relief. Patine vert foncé
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Лицевая сторона

Аверс: легенда: TI CLAVDIVS. CAESAR. AVG. P. M. TR. P. IMP. P. P..
Аверс: описание: Tête laurée de Claude à droite (O*).
Аверс: перевод: “Tiberius Claudius Cæsar Augustus Pontifex Maximus Tribunicia Potestate Imperator Pater Patriæ”, (Tibère Claude césar auguste, grand pontife revêtu de la puissance tribunitienne, empereur père de la patrie).

Обратная сторона

Реверс: легенда: SPES - AVGVSTA// S.C.
Реверс: Описание: Spes (l'Espérance) debout à gauche, tenant une fleur de la main droite et relevant sa robe de la main gauche.
Реверс: перевод: “Spes Augusta”, (L'Espérance auguste).

Историческая справка



Claude was born in 10 BC in Lyon. Became emperor by chance after the assassination of Caligula in 41, he is despite physical flaws a great emperor and a good administrator, but remains dominated by his wives and his freedmen who hold the reality of power. In 50, after his marriage with his niece, Agrippina, he adopted his son Nero to the detriment of Britannicus, his own son born of the union with Messalina. He dies assassinated by Agrippina who serves him a dish of poisoned mushrooms.

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