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fjt_900183 - CONSECRATION IN REIMS CHARLES X quinaire de l’avènement 1824

CONSECRATION IN REIMS CHARLES X quinaire de l’avènement XF
60.00 €
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Тип CHARLES X quinaire de l’avènement
Дата: 1824
Монетный двор / Город: Paris
Металл: silver
Проба: 900 ‰
Диаметр: 14 mm
Ориентация осей монеты: 12 h.
Вес: 2,10 g.
Век: lisse
Редкость: R1
Комментарии о состоянии

Лицевая сторона

Аверс: легенда: CHARLES X ROI DE FRANCE.
Аверс: описание: Tête nue de Charles X à gauche ; signé DEPAULIS.

Обратная сторона

Реверс: легенда: AVÈNEMENT AU TRÔNE 16 SEPT 1824.
Реверс: Описание: Sceptre et main de Justice entrecroisés sous une couronne enrubannée.


Ces petits jetons, qui furent probablement jetés à la foule lors du couronnement, reprennent la tradition des Romains.
Les empereurs romains frappaient des monnaies spécifiques, les quinaires, du diamètre et de l'aspect de notre jeton, qui servaient lors des largesses impériales, jetées au peuple.

Историческая справка


During the coronation of a king of France, from Henri III, tokens and medals were made. In his work on the medals and tokens of the coronation of the kings of France in Reims, Sombart distinguishes three categories whose usefulness is diverse: firstly, in gold, they are used for the ceremony during which the king offers 13 to the archbishop; secondly, tokens and medals were distributed when the king left the cathedral to the crowd massed in the forecourt; thirdly, coronation tokens and medals were made privately and were sold to commemorate the event either at the time of the coronation or afterwards. Concerning the coronations in Reims, 112 types of tokens and medals are known for kings Henri II, François II, Charles IX, Henri III, Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Louis XV, Louis XVI and Charles X.

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