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brm_877310 - SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS Denier

85.00 €
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Тип Denier
Дата: 196
Монетный двор / Город: Roma
Диаметр: 17,5 mm
Ориентация осей монеты: 12 h.
Вес: 2,81 g.
Officine: 4e
Комментарии о состоянии
Flan légèrement décentré. Portrait agréable au droit malgré l’usure. Des faiblesses. Patine grise
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Лицевая сторона

Аверс: легенда: L SEPT SEV PERT - AVG IMP VIII.
Аверс: описание: Tête laurée de Septime Sévère à droite (O*).
Аверс: перевод: "Lucius Septimus Severus Pertinax Augustus Imperator Octavum" (Lucius Septime Sévère Pertinax Auguste acclamé Empereur pour la huitième fois).

Обратная сторона

Реверс: легенда: P M TR P IIII - COS II P P.
Реверс: Описание: Victoria (La Victoire) marchant à gauche, tenant une couronne de la main droite et une palme de la gauche.
Реверс: перевод: "Pontifex Maximus Tribunicia Potestas quatrum Consul secundum Pater Patriae" (Grand Pontife détenteur de la Puissance tribunicienne pour la quatrième fois Consul pour la deuxième fois Père de la Patrie).


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Историческая справка



Septimius Severus was born in 146 in Leptis Magna in Africa (Libya). After a brilliant military career under the reigns of Marc Aurèle and Commodus, he was consul suffect in 185. At the time of Pertinax's death, he was governor of Upper Pannonia. Acclaimed emperor on April 13, 193, he quickly eliminated Dide Julien, his compatriot (June 28), and associated Albin with power as Caesar before fighting Pescennius Niger in the East. In 195, he fictitiously entered the Antonine family by being adopted post-mortem. He defeats and executes Niger and leads a brilliant campaign in Arabia. In 197, he got rid of his last adversary, Albin, who proclaimed himself august. Severus prepares the establishment of his dynasty by giving the title of Augusta to Julia, his wife, in 194, of Caesar to Caracalla, in 196, then of Augustus in 198 when Geta, his second son, becomes Caesar. Sévère will spend fifteen years consolidating the borders of the Empire by winning numerous victories over the Parthians (197-198), then in Africa (207) and, finally in Brittany (208-211), where he died..

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