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E-auction 586-542915 - brm_924819 - TRAJAN DECIUS Antoninien

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Оценить : 150 €
Цена : 92 €
Максимальная предлагаемая цена : 111 €
Конец торгов : 08 July 2024 14:21:40
Участников : 12 Участников
Тип Antoninien
Дата: 250
Монетный двор / Город: Roma
Металл: billon
Проба: 400 ‰
Диаметр: 21 mm
Ориентация осей монеты: 1 h.
Вес: 3,87 g.
Редкость: R1
Officine: 4e
Комментарии о состоянии
Monnaie idéalement centrée. Magnifique buste de Trajan Dèce. Frappe plus faible au revers. Patine grise
Ссылки в каталоге: :

Лицевая сторона

Аверс: описание: Buste radié et cuirassé de Trajan Dèce à droite, vu de trois quarts en arrière (B4).
Аверс: перевод: “Imperator Cæsar Messius Quintus Traianus Decius Augustus”, (L'empereur césar Messius Quintus Trajan Dèce auguste).

Обратная сторона

Реверс: легенда: ADVENTVS AVG.
Реверс: Описание: L'empereur à cheval à gauche, dans l'attitude de l'adlocutio, levant la main droite et tenant un sceptre de la gauche ; le cheval lève l’antérieur droit.
Реверс: перевод: “Adventus Augusti”, (L'Arrivée de l'auguste).

Историческая справка



Decius was born in 201 in Lower Pannonia. After a brilliant career which opened the doors of the Senate to him, he was governor of Lower Moesia under the reign of Alexander Severus. At the end of the reign of Philip, winner on the Danube of barbarian hordes, he was proclaimed august despite his refusal. He writes it to Philippe who does not believe him and marches against him. Philip and his son are killed in battle near Verona. Decius joins to his name that, prestigious, of Trajan. After a stint in Rome, Decius travels to the Danubian Limes. Deserted, the limes allowed the Goths to filter through, ravaging the Danubian provinces, where the Emperor originated. He fails to stem the invasion. From 250, a new plague ravages the Empire. The plague decimated population and herds and further weakened the limes. He began a persecution against Christians in 250 (Polyeucte, Corneille). The following year, he went to the limes, defeated the Goths, but his son was killed. He himself finds death while wanting to avenge him. He is the first emperor to fall in battle against the Barbarians.

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